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I break my collage and pieces every time I try to cut a straight line. Help! – Colleen

It is important when cutting
collage glass to find the smooth side of the glass. Be sure the rougher side where the frit, stringers or confetti are added are on the bottom when cutting. And remember, put the rough side up on top of your base glass to avoid bubbles.

Studio Class News

Looking for a new technique? Here is a list of upcoming classes at the Glass Duchess Studio.
  • March 2nd Suncatchers Class 12-4pm
  • March 4 th Pocket Vases 6-8 pm
  • March 6 th Nightlight Class 4-8 pm
  • March 8th St Patty Day Plates 4-8PM
  • March 15 & 16th Advanced Freeze and Fuse 2 day class
  • March 23 & 24 Intro to Silkemat 2 day class 10-4
  • April 13 th Sandpainting with Frit 1-4
  • April 19th & 20 th Frit Vase Class 2 day class
  • April 17 th ,24 th ,May 1 st and 8th Beginners Glass Class 1-4

I never met a color I didn’t like.
Dale Chihuly

Have the Newest Bullseye Catalogue?

Do you have the newest catalogue from Bullseye Glass? Stop in Glass Duchess Studio to pick up your free copy!

Need some Tekta? Glass Duchess Studio carries 10×10, 7 ½, 9 and 12 inch rounds, 24×24 and both half and full sheets measuring 17×20 and 20×35. 

Stock up today!

Find your special color

For those of you that use colors that you just can’t find anywhere, call the Glass Duchess Studio.  All wholesale and retail accounts may put in an order for special colors or products.

We place our orders with Bullseye Glass the 10th of each month.  So please email your special orders to sales@glassduchess.com

Be sure to include the name and the Bullseye product number and quantity, your name and phone number with your  order.

Special Saint Patrick’s Day Class

March 8th, 4 – 8pm

Open Studio Every Thursday

Open studio is every Thursday. There are 2 sessions. 10:00 am-1:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Price is $35. This includes 2 firings.  Choose from full fuse, tac fuse, slump and drape.  Please go the glassduches.com to make your reservation under the glass class tab Open Studio.


New Item Just In

CBS Dichroic Firestrips

Best Posture for Cutting Glass

Upright Position: The best posture for cutting glass is to maintain an upright position. This helps to keep your back straight and aligned, reducing strain on your spine.

Feet Shoulder-width Apart: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart to provide a stable base of support. This will help to balance your body and prevent any unnecessary movements while cutting.

Bend Your Knees: Bend your knees slightly while cutting glass to lower your center of gravity and improve stability. This will also help to reduce strain on your back and legs.

Relax Your Shoulders: Keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid hunching over the glass. This will prevent tension in your upper body and promote better control of the cutting tool

By following these posture guidelines, you can ensure a comfortable and efficient cutting experience while minimizing the risk of injury